April 23, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

This series of books is a series that road a cool premise for 1000 pages. However, as I look back on it, there really isn't a lot of substance. Despite the fact that each page was riddled with Katniss' deepest thoughts and emotions, I can't help but feel like she was a poorly-developed character. Her actions often contradicted each other and she often took the easy way out. I grew to despise her as she kept complaining about her love life when there were much more important things going on (like borderline genocide, for instance).

The rest of the characters were even less developed, with the one notable exception being no one.

Still, the first two books were pretty enjoyable. The last book was pretty much pointless. It rambled on for 300 pages. The end, however, was satisfying enough for me to give the series a hesitant recommendation because I think people just read for a change of pace from TV. You could do worse in a book series. Just keep in mind that Suzanne Collins thinks she is a far better author than she really is.

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