April 19, 2011

Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of Secrets

So, I heart Harry Potter. I’ve read the books too many times, and I watch the movies anytime they are on HBO or ABC Family is having a marathon. BUT, I have never owned the movie. Thus, I have never officially had it in my backlog. So you would think, judging by this post, that I now have it. But I only sort of have it because it’s Steve’s, but I really wanted to do the posting on this one. So I’m gonna. Deal with it.

Before HP1, I was like “ugh, can’t I just get the first three movies over with so I can watch the best mover ever HP4” I was wrong though. The first movies are still good! HP2 provides you with your last glimpses of Dumbledore 1. I don’t think there is too big of a difference. Some disagree, but oh well. You also begin finding out a little about Voldermort’s past aka Tom Marvolo Riddle. Harry also pulls a sword out of an old hat. Good times follow.

Enjoyable, but the actors are still young and coming into their roles. That’s all I have for you.


  1. Haha what the fuck is that thing in the corner, popping in like he's part of the gang?

  2. There lies Dobby. A free house elf.
