June 15, 2018

Archer: Season 9

Not a lot to dwell on here - nine seasons, holy shit! - but I just want to note that after Archer stumbled so very hard last season with the 1940s noir crime set up it felt like it was back in a big way here. I always had a lot of faith in this season ever since its theme was revealed last year - eyepatch-wearing seaplane captain Archer, big-ass hulking Pam as his best friend, Lana as a native island princess, Cyril as a Nazi (but like, a '30s Nazi, not a Nazi Nazi) - it all felt right, and more importantly, it felt fun. Archer has always been at its best when it's action packed and big and loud and bold, and when the characters' bickering over mundane shit like pop culture references or grammar mistakes is just so heavily juxtaposed against the danger of their circumstances. This season just built and built and built its way toward an Indiana Jones-like tomb raiding, and, yeah, I just really enjoyed it. Such a welcome relief after last season's weirdly dark and solemn misfire.

This season ended with a sneak peak of the next one - Archer's still in a coma, naturally, and we'll get a third straight surreal reboot, this time in outer space. Yep - space! A whole season in space. We'll see how that one goes. Creator Adam Reed is committed to leaving the show after its upcoming tenth season, but he's made no such statements about whether or not Archer will continue without him. I'm kind of torn! After last season I'd have said, yeah, the tank is empty on this one, let's let it die gracefully. But here and now, with the prospect of there being just eight more episodes of Archer left (before an inevitable reunion or comeback or whatever in like, five years, tops) - I dunno! I'm kind of willing to roll the dice and hope for an eleventh season, a twelfth, whatever. All good things must come to an end, and Archer has lasted longer than so many of them already, but, why not?

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