October 3, 2017

Rick and Morty: Season 3

Boy, you know what sucks? This season of Rick and Morty just left me feeling cold. And not, "damn, dark!" cold, but more like, "this? this is what took them over a year and a half to make?" cold. The show is really, really doubling down on its multiverse-based nihilism. Like, if there are infinite realities and infinite versions of everyone, no individual world - yes, entire world - really matters at all. It's an interesting approach. Multiverse theory is so often presented with never-ending optimism, like as long as you can imagine something existing, it does! Limitless potential, right? Well the third season of Rick and Morty really took pains to show just how droll it would be to actually, you know, be capable of traversing the multiverse with ease. Rick is essentially omnipotent - and bored as all hell because of it. You'd have a drinking problem too, you know?

It's a shame, because there are few shows on television as creative and inventive as Rick and Morty. A single episode of this show will usually contain more fresh ideas and concepts than entire seasons of other shows, and that's Dan Harmon for you. But it's also starting to feel more than a little messy and overstuffed, and that's also Dan Harmon for you. This guy's his own worst enemy! Community also peaked early, remember?

Gah! This wasn't even bad. It was good! But it wasn't great. And Rick and Morty used to be, and really ought to be, great. Oh well.

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