June 23, 2014

Saints Row IV

I... I don't even know where to start.

How about this... this game feels like it was designed by a bunch of insane, ADHD children who are on Adderall and Redbull who all have a huge obsession with the movie The Matrix. Take all that in and you might just begin to get a sense of what this game has to offer. The killer, though, is that it's absolutely a blast to play.

Alright, so I have no experience with this franchise. I think I played a few minutes of Saints Row 2 back in the day based off a rare positive review from Zero Punctuation -- a gaming critic who rarely likes anything. Although the memories are vague, the second game felt like a buggy, crude version of GTA and my interest quickly faded after having a frustrating time trying to drive the cars (physics were poor at best). There was never any desire to play future games in this franchise, but I was bored last weekend and succumbed to curiosity when I picked this guy up for cheap. Instantly I was hooked. 

Let me break it down this way for any that are not familiar with this game or franchise. 

The game opens up with your character and their team (a street gang known as the Saints that have become so powerful and liked they are now a team of super, secret agents or something?) landing in the Middle East to stop a giant nuclear rocket from being deployed to blow up America. After a full assault, the rocket still manages to be sent off into the air. As it's lifting off, your character jumps on the side and clings for dear life as the rocket ascends. Suddenly, Aerosmith's "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" begins playing -- that right there got me -- as your character grapples up the side of the rocket pulling out various circuit boards to dismantle the thing. Once you succeed, the bomb blows up sending you free falling back to Earth. (Background conversations over your radio from teammates make it sound like you are giving your life to save everyone.) Next thing you know, you character crashes through the ceiling of the White House and lands comfortably in the Presidential chair in the Oval Office. Cut to opening credits. 

And that's just the first five minutes! The game is off-the-wall crazy in the best way possible. 

The crux of this game focuses on the fact that your character is not only the leader of the gang the Saints, but also the president of America. After the opening, aliens come down to Earth and begin abducting a bunch of people (you included) before destroying the planet. You then find yourself imprisoned in a cyber city having to save yourself and your teammates before you can pull your minds free from this digital prison and battle the aliens in real life -- eh, it's basically The Matrix. From waking up naked in goo after your mind is freed to having super powers in the digital world, a lot of this game borrows its themes from that awesome movie. And I'm fine with that. 

In fact, this game tips its hat to a lot of different franchises. There's a level ripped straight from Streets of Rage. Another that mimics Metal Gear Solid. And it all works! 

Most importantly, though, it's just plain fun and addicting. I picked this up Monday night and beat it at 90% completion by Friday night. I think about 20 hours total was put in -- nothing outrageous, but kept me engaged. 

There are a lot of references to past games and previous character arcs as the story progresses. Seems nonsensical -- like most other parts of the game -- and convoluted. By that I mean, you'll meet an old friend and as you learn their background story it's reveal that they twice tried to lie and kill you, maybe they were thought to be dead once themselves before they returned from the grave, and now they're fighting along side you... but can they still be trusted? Kind of makes your head spin. Also, a little curious to revisit the older games to connect the dots in the story lines and to see if the earlier parts of the franchise still hold up -- regardless of my past experiences. But, eh... I'd rather just hold out for the sequel. 

What's the sequel you ask? I won't spoil the ending to the game... but let's just say Saints Row V will be involving time-travel in the search to rebuild Earth. 

In case I haven't made it abundantly clear, play this game. Seriously. They even have it at Redbox for those not looking to actually own it. Any game with the Stan Bush in the soundtrack is a game worth playing. 

Oh, and there was a $1 million edition to this game as well. Brilliant (from an advertising perspective). 


  1. So is this not an open world game? I had always assumed Saints Row was just a much wackier version of the GTA series

  2. It is an open world game, just like GTA -- and, yes, only wackier and you develop super powers that rival Super Man.
