With just fifteen pages left in Tinkers, I decided to jump into Here's The Situation. The reason for this was to allow Here's The Situation minimal time at the top of the Back-Blog. Well, it's time is up. Tinkers was a book I bought after my Kindle shopping spree was nearly finished; I wanted to buy the number one book Amazon recommended to me based on my purchases. Tinkers' claim to fame is winning last year's Pulitzer prize for fiction. So it had to be good, right? Well simply, yeah, it was pretty good. Nothing life-changing, but I enjoyed it. The basic plot is an old man on his deathbed reflecting on his life, and also hallucinating. I know, I know, we've been there before, and it wasn't pretty. This time around the book is actually readable though. It was pretty interesting to see what random memories would get pulled from the back of our protagonist's head as he awaited his inevitable death, and I liked the whole clocks motif Harding kept returning to. But I'd be lying to everyone here if I said I'd remember much about this book in a month. Oh well, I've got plenty more books where that came from, time to move on.
Good to see some action on the blog in my absence. I've got a couple of posts to make that should be up tonight or tomorrow. Also, good call on throwing the E-brake on in the eleventh hour on this book so as not to allow the Situation this lengthy period of time atop the main page. That's using your bloggin' noggin.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, I've got a couple coming tomorrow I believe. Also, starting into ff6... right now!