March 1, 2017

Chewing Gum: Season 1

Here's a British import available on Netflix. Nice and short at just six episodes long, this one. It's a lot like Fleabag, with a heroine awkwardly sharing the details of her sex life and other insecurities directly to the camera in an overt fourth wall break. The premise is that a 24-year-old woman breaks up with her long-time super-religious boyfriend, and they've never had sex or even so much as kissed, and so now she's both willing and able to do some overdue exploring - both outwardly and inwardly, know what I'm saying? - and that leaves her ready for all kinds of predicaments and situations and hijinks.

It works! The tone's a little zanier than you might expect from a British comedy, and the whole thing's maybe not quite as clever. Still, for my money, Fleabag is the better show - both funnier and deeper and also a British import that's only six episodes long, so hey, maybe give that one a shot over on Amazon Prime. I can't strongly recommend Chewing Gum but I enjoyed it just fine and I'll probably be back for the second season later this spring.

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