November 21, 2012

Community: Season 2

I hate how I always begin to draft a post, get a sentence into it, then walk away from it all for a  whole week. Going to try and stop that.

Anywho... got through season two - already halfway through season three. I'm in love with this show. And I can't explain how much I enjoyed them bringing back the paintball-theme for the season finale. Going western then Star Wars. A blast! However, I still don't know how to comment on this show other than "it's good!" Most time, I finish some material on my backlist and immediately there are some interesting thoughts that can be constructed. Some insight or questions I can't wait to start throwing out there. On this... I got nothing other than my previous statement. "It's good!"

I guess this show just goes up there as one of those paradoxes in TV Land where good shows fail and bad shows prevail. I mean, maybe there's still I giant audience for this show... they just haven't tuned in yet (similar to me up until maybe a month ago). I don't think it's because the show was poorly marketed or advertised. I knew about it. Known about it since it first came on the air. Hell, I constantly passed by stacks of these free DVDs in the storage closets around my office. Still, I had no interest in watching them. There's just so much crap out there to fill my time, I'm honestly turned off to watching anything new. For fuck sake, I'm still cycling through The Simpsons (seasons 3 - 13) all the time! Maybe throwing on a episode or two every night before bed... yet I won't take the time to dip my toe into some uncharted waters. 

Clearly, this is a wake-up call. 

Although I'm strongly glued to my routines - aka, my nightly Simpsons fix - I'll do my best to venture out and give some other shows a go. Fuck, maybe even a Hulu original series (always been meaning to catch an episode of Misfits - teenagers with lack-luster superpowers). For now, though, I'll be powering through Community, getting all caught up for Season 4 later this winter. 

1 comment:

  1. I read the first sentence of this post and immediately thought it was Marissa. Then I realized you said week and not month. Joking aside, season 2 is around the point where this show hits its stride. Season three is the best in my opinion. Glad you like it.
