November 6, 2012

Community: Season 1

I'm must thank you Stan for introducing me to this gem. After only a week, Kelsi and I have manage to down the first season of Community - and are well on our way to completing the second. This show is great, and it really pains me that it's planned to end after they air the fourth season this spring (at least from what Stan has told me). About a year ago, I read a WIRED article centered around the show's creator, Dan Harmon's, writing techniques. Having not seen the show at the time, the article really had no appeal, but now I have to give him credit for his well-developed, balanced stories and characters. 

As fun as it is to watch, I'm at a loss on how to break down what it is that's so entertaining about it. I suppose, like most sit-coms, it's a combination of the writing and cast's chemistry with one another. I am excited to start revisiting the season with commentary mixed in. It's of no surprise at this point that there's been tension between Chevy Chase and Harmon. 

Check out this video to listen to Chevy's infamous voicemail to Harmon following a conflict that occurred one day on the set... Priceless.

As Stan has already mentioned to me, that cast makes note of how Chevy will leave early  from shooting and be missing from scenes here and there. Just some bickering that I hope will be fun to get into. 

And not to end on a bad note about Chevy, but he - along with the rest of the cast -  are all great. The show is takes the top spot for best prime time sit-coms on TV right now (sorry, but Parks & Recreation and 30 Rock are really losing me). I'm just about finished with the second season. More to follow. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! This makes me glad to read. I think I also struggled to define, for myself, just why it was that I loved the show in Season 1. But I did know I loved it. Just wait for Seasons 2 and 3. (I know you said you've started Season 2, but if memory serves, Season 2 starts out no better than Season 1; it's the second half of Season 2 that just puts this show over the top into all-time great status for me.) I'd definitely be interested to hear your take, as it evolves, in Seasons 2 and 3. Keep watching! Keep posting!
