Since my purchase of Metroid Prime 3 last year, I've been slowly logging my way through the Metroid series completely out of order: Corruption, Fusion, Return of Samus, Prime, Echoes, and now Zero Mission. I can safely say that although this is a remake of the first game of the series, Metroid for the NES, Zero Mission has really just failed to leave an impression on me like all the others have. The gameplay is exactly the same as Fusion, which was great. Unfortunately, the source material was a rather short NES game, and so Zero Mission suffers this same fate- it's over way too fast! I got the first few items, and before I knew it, at about the 3 hour mark I already had the wave beam and screw attack- two of the final items in most Metroid games! I thought that this couldn't be right, but pressed on. After a few minutes of dealing with Metroid enemies, I stumbled upon Mother Brain, the infamous final boss of NES Metroid. After a few tries, Mother Brain was toast and I was in for the new addition to the game: the epilogue on the Space Pirate ship. This was apparently met with mixed reactions, and personally I was unimpressed. It's almost entirely stealth missions, which worked in Fusion because they were few and far between; also the tension was really there being chased by a boss much stronger than you. Zero Mission's stealth missions were just kind of boring and, still under the 4 hour mark, I just wanted the game to end. Not really par for the course considering how highly I regard all of the other games in the Metroid franchise. Oh well, I've still got what's likely the most critically acclaimed Metroid in Super Metroid left for the Virtual Console, as well as the intriguing Metroid Prime Hunters. Hopefully I can finish them both up in time for the poorly named Metroid: Other M.
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