It's done. I've now finished all three seasons of HBO's Deadwood, and I still don't know what to think. I won't bore readers by repeating what I already said in Season 2's post, but suffice it to say that I still feel almost the exact same way about the show in general. It's got a really high production value and phenomenal acting, casting, and writing, but it's just too damn slow-paced. There are times, of course, when it's capable of sucking me right in, but for the most part I was very, very bored while watching the majority of Deadwood, often only paying partial attention to the plots and events, and as such, missing certain details altogether. This is of course a vicious cycle, as the less you know about a given character or storyline, the less attention you'll have for it. I often found myself (again) reading brief episode recaps in order to put certain pieces together. So, in hindsight, yeah, Deadwood was a great show. But for the most part, I did not love the time I spent actually watching it. This series is ripe for an eventual re-watch on my part. I'm sure Ill pick up on plenty more the next time through, as it unfolds rather than afterward. But, sad as it makes me to say it, I did not love Deadwood. It didn't suck; it just wasn't consistently entertaining and interesting. For me, at least. Oh well. So be it. Another TV series is completed, and the backlog grows ever smaller.
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