August 19, 2017

Twisted Metal: Head-On

Not sure what possessed me to do it tonight, but I finally hooked up the old PlayStation 2 for the first time in three goddamn years and went ahead and played and beat a quick little video game. This one's Twisted Metal: Head-On, a PS2 port of a PSP game that looks like absolute feces today. Wow!

I always loved Twisted Metal. Ten-year-old me probably calls it his second favorite franchise of all time behind only Final Fantasy, and to this day I can remember all kinds of dumb cheats and Easter eggs from the second game. Like how by pressing up-down-up-up you could fire off an insane special move that froze an enemy and nailed him with three missiles. Or like how, in the New York level, if you shoot the Statue of Liberty for long enough, she'll get super fat. And then if you shoot that long enough, she'll turn into a bikini-wearing supermodel. Nineties humor, boys and girls!

But no, that's neither here nor there. The franchise went downhill fast after Twisted Metal 2, and this is the [checks] seventh game in the franchise. Interpolate and extrapolate as you see fit.

Still, I had fun! In a drunken "hey why the hell not spend an hour and change on a Friday night busting this thing out" sort of way. Crank the difficulty level down to easy, reacclimate to the wonky-ass controls (but seriously, did any PS2 game control with tight precision?), and let loose.

They really should bring this series back. Not sure what that looks like on PS4, but it's sort of weirdly underrated and important in PlayStation history. Like, not their Zelda or anything, but perhaps at least their Star Fox or whatever. Sweet Tooth was in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, after all. Remember that game? I do! And I wish it had been better. Sony Smash, guys - come on!

I'm still drinking by the way.

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