August 23, 2017

Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

Ha. I didn't even realize I had started a post on this. 

Seeing as I just posted on Final Fantasy XV and my general disappointment with that game, let me say that feeling extends to this property as well.

The movie did offer additional context about game's story, but I think it's a weakness if you have to venture out to another medium in order to provide narrative details that are kind of essential to understanding what the fuck is going on in an already complicated-as-fuck story. 

All that aside, let me raise one issue that I had both in this movie and the game. An issue that I didn't touch upon in my previous post... The blatant product placement.

I get that partnership deals and product placement are sometimes the only way to get really expensive shit made... but, I must say, if it's a sci-fi story in a fictional, fantastic world mixed with magic and machines, blatantly having your character driving an Audi is going to totally pull me out of the story. Or, like in the game, having Coleman on all your camping equipment isn't helping the immersion experience. There was even a fucking AmEx sticker outside stores?!

I don't hate or love product placement. I'm sort of ambivalent towards it as I understand it's sometimes all too necessary. But if it's to be used, follow one rule: It should never pull you out of the story. And there's plenty of ways to get away with it. Hide it in the background. Make it apart of your character's costume. Or make it a part of the story. Whatever you do, make sure your audience doesn't do a double-take and say, "did I just do a side mission involving Cup of Noodles?"

Probably the best examples I can think of might be the use of Reece's Pieces in E.T. or the Wilson volleyball in Cast Away. Sure, there are plenty of other examples. James Bond's entire wardrobe is essential one giant fashion ad. 

Point is, this movie and game failed to use product placement effectively. Instead they just pulled me out of an already awful movie. 

Actually... maybe I should be thankful?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, Gladiolus was more AMPED over Cup of Noodles than he was over anything else in the game. Almost forgot about that.
