June 6, 2017

Worms: Clan Wars

I absolutely loved playing Worms 2 and Worms: Armageddon in middle school, and then even though the series maintained a steady output of games every other year or so, I just sort of went quiet on it for ten years. Then I played (and liked, a lot) two Xbox Live Arcade ports, remakes, what have you - I wasn't sure Worms would translate from mouse-and-keyboard to game controller very well, but it did! Anyway, then I went ahead and bought Worms: Clan Wars as part of a Humble Bundle and... didn't really love it. It wasn't very good, frankly. Couple of gamebreaking bugs, and a difficulty curve that was way, way too easy early on before spiking absurdly in the final two levels. There were also a few levels early on where the objectives weren't clearly stated beforehand, which led to me, say, killing all the enemy worms for twenty minutes only to learn that I'd failed to grab a package somewhere along the way. Boo! At any rate, this feels for better or worse like a series that somehow doesn't hold up against its former self. Like it isn't even just that the gameplay was better relative to what else was out there in the 1990s than today - I really do think the games have gotten slighter, weaker, less intricate and detailed over the last twenty years or so. based on my limited exposure, anyway. Oh well! Still glad to have played this, and I won't be shy when it comes to free or severely discounted Worms games in the future.

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