February 10, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD

It has been a while since I have been an active member of this blog. I am happy to say that I have been working on some things this whole time and that a few of them are getting close to completion. The first item I had on my list to get done right away was this game, The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

I played this game on the GameCube when I was a student at Umass Dartmouth all those years ago. When I got my Wii U for Christmas last year it included the HD remake. There were several things I wasn't fond of in the original and I was glad to see that they remedied most of them. Some of the things that drove me crazy in the original were the slowness of the sailing mechanic, the temples that required leading a tag along character and the seemingly endless fetch quest to rebuild the triforce of courage to open Gannon's Tower.

The remake made improvements in many areas. The most noticeable was the improvement in the sailing speed. The faster sailing made the game a lot more enjoyable. I no longer felt the need to pin the controller and walk away so that I didn't have to experience the monotony. The remake also made gathering the triforce shards more direct while still maintaining the fetch quest origins. The only thing that irritated me in the original that they did not modify was the temples with tag alongs but that I am ok with.

I enjoyed this game a second time as a remake. The HD was done well and made the game more visually appealing than the original. The gamepad made all sorts of small tasks easier such as looking for the song notes, changing items quickly, and checking maps as you sailed the ocean. As a place holder to an all original Wii U Zelda title it did it job but now I am ready for an original Zelda on this platform. From what I have seen from teasers and announcements the next Zelda title should be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Posts from Trev and Webber on the same day? The blog is back!
