November 11, 2013

Friday Night Lights Season 2

For me, this season just didn't capture the same magic as season 1. Too much Jason Street. I find him pretty annoying to be honest. Not to mention Lyla, who is somehow worse this season despite her cheating on a cripple in the first. There were some big changes at the end of season 1 that were thrown out the window. I was okay with it, but this season didn't do much to add to the stories that were told in season 1. I wasn't a big fan of the way that race/racism was dealt with in this season. It got a little too serious and lost some of the fun from season 1. Still, Tim Riggins became my favorite character this season, so there's that. I know it sounds like I hated this season, but I didn't. I really enjoyed it. I just don't understand why it went in the direction it did. Still, I have faith in season 3 to get back to the magic of season 1. Good season. Not great.


  1. Yeah, Season 2 is, if nothing else, the rise of Tim Riggins. The writer's strike cut this one off prematurely, and probably for good measure. The remaining seasons are all much better. And thank you for not even mentioning the subplot that must not be mentioned. The one with the guy who would later play the guy who chained Jesse Pinkman up in a basement. That one. No good comes from mentioning that subplot.

  2. Yeah I try to forget about it. The writers did too it seems. It did not fit the series at all, although I did enjoy what it led to in the romance department. But yeah, it seemed liked the Heroes writers were involved or something.
