July 31, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

These days it seems like anyone can create a competent first-person shooter, but the genre is so clogged that  for a campaign to be truly memorable it needs to have moments that go above and beyond all of the other games out there. The Modern Warfare offshoot series of Call of Duty has done this consistently for three straight games now. Modern Warfare featured living through a nuclear blast, Modern Warfare 2 pushed the envelope on terrorist violence in games, and while Modern Warfare 3 doesn't have a game-changing moment bigger than those, it manages to fill itself with tons of slightly smaller ones that keep the game exciting throughout its short run. I realize Call of Duty games are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to storytelling in video games, but I found Modern Warfare 3 to be easily the most coherent game of all and a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy (unless Infinity Ward doesn't move on to something else next year). Simply put, while most FPSes I can roll through on auto-pilot, Modern Warfare 3 demands your attention and certainly deserves it. But I figure most other Back-Bloggers will play it eventually anyway.

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