October 10, 2011

Shadow of the Colossus

I may not have finished this Ico prequel before it came out on PS3 in HD, but I don't care at all. This, my friends, was a fantastic game. It had most of the artistic tone and feel of Ico but managed to be much more fun and much less frustrating. You play as an unnamed young man seeking to restore life to an unnamed dead young woman who you love. You arrive in a vast but isolated and desolate land where an all-powerful spirit-voice promises you that it can restore life to your lady if you slay sixteen colossal beasts. And so you do so, one at a time, and it it is awesome. The area you're in is void of other people and hostile monsters except for the enormous colossi. Thus, the game is nicely split between the calm and peaceful time you spend traveling through the vast and empty landscapes to get to the colossi and then the adrenaline-pumping epic boss fights that await you once you find them. Great stuff. My Ico post ran very long, and if I tried to say everything about this game that I wanted to I would only be repeating half of that post in different words. So I'll cut this off here and say that anyone with a PS2 (or PS3) should try to play this game at some point, preferably after Ico. (But if you only play one, make it Shadow of the Colossus.)

1 comment:

  1. Stevie played this when we lived together. He seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. I would play it if I had a PS2 or 3
