October 19, 2011

Dead Nation

This was the second of two games I got for free from Sony after the PS3 security breach fiasco. It's an arcade-style shoot 'em up where you and a friend (possibly multiple friends, but I did it with one) cooperate to blast, burn, and bomb your way through ten levels full of zombies. In typical shoot 'em up fashion, the game really only consists of getting from "Point A" to "Point B," but various gates along the way won't open until you've destroyed all of the enemies in the area. It was a very simple game, made simpler I'm sure by the fact that Sween and I shamelessly opted for "easy" mode. (Why struggle to beat a game in eight hours when you can get the same experience, sans the challenge, in four?) Weapon and armor upgrades were available at several points in each level, and there are an infinite number of "continues," so to speak, from multiple checkpoints throughout the levels - something we only really took advantage of at the very end of the game. All in all, I found the game pleasant and enjoyable. It made for an easy evening beating, but I could at least see myself playing this game again. (I probably won't. Not with 56 games still backlogged. But at least I feel like I could do so and enjoy it all over again.) If I didn't have so many "hard copy" games on discs and cartridges, I'd really take advantage of these short, cheap DLC titles more often.

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