August 24, 2016

Family Guy: Season 13

Every now and again, I realize I'm just watching way too much television. It's become a full-blown hobby in recent years and with so much out there (and most of it widely available for streaming) it's almost easier to keep adding shows to my watchlist than it is to remove them.

Family Guy is a show I removed from my rotation a long, long time ago. You could argue I'm just watching it on a one-to-two-year delay, and that's true. But there's still a distinction in my mind, as I'm never quite actively keeping up with Family Guy.

This is sort of a paradox. I've dropped plenty of shows from my watchlist before, and in a few cases I've even binged my way back to being caught up. But for the most part, once I'm done, I'm done - like most other people. But Family Guy somehow compels me to keep trucking through its history, no matter how dismissive I am of the idea of watching it live. It's almost as if the act of setting a DVR series recording for Family Guy is a badge of honor the show doesn't deserve. Because, hey, this show sucks. It really does. I'm not sure if it was ever any good, or if I just thought it was when I was half my present age (yowza, this has been on for a while). Did the show get worse? Did the rest of TV get better? I don't know, and really, I don't care. I'm not trying to figure out the trajectory of this show's quality. Not today, at least. I just want to pop in and say, hey, yeah, another season of Family Guy down, and why the hell am I still doing this?

1 comment:

  1. Family Guy is a show I've kept up with, only barely.

    It's a show I happily doze off to without fear of missing something important, and waking up midway through the next episode without concern that I will struggle to understand where the story is going (if there even is much of a narrative).

    Despite the show "sucking," it can still illicit a good belly laugh every now and then. And that's enough for me. Not that I'm particularly proud that its humor can make me chuckle, but what the fuck. If something makes me smile, then I approve.

    On that note, I'm currently watching Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed on Netflix... So there's no accounting for taste on my end.
