November 22, 2011

Entourage: Season 7

Since Entourage is a stupid, vapid, hollow excuse for a TV series, I won't waste any time talking about Entourage. Instead, let me try to explain why I ever purchased Season 7 of Entourage on DVD. I'm a completionist. I know that isn't even a real word, but it's true. If I own one season of television on DVD, I need to own all of the seasons of that show on DVD. It's irrational and strange and not the best minor obsessive compulsive habit to have in wallet terms, but I've learned how to live with it while suffering minimally in terms of money and time spent. The first and easiest rule is never to buy these DVD sets at full price. What costs $40 or so MSRP will usually cost something like $30 on release day. The price may then fluctuate between $25 and $35 but almost every DVD set will eventually go into some sort of fire sale. This one retails at $50 originally, but I got it for something like $18. Now, on the one hand that's eighteen dollars wasted. On the other, that's better than $50 wasted. Right? Now, rule number two - how to watch. Something shitty like Entourage that I've both already seen and also have no real desire to watch again is something that makes for great background DVD viewing whilst browsing the Internet, reading a book (double-log-tasking!), or trying to fall asleep at night. I know, it's kind of silly. I've got this mission at hand to watch everything I own, and yet I willingly only half-watch some of the stuff I willingly buy. I guess deep down I know that someday, probably sooner than later, some TV show that I own several seasons of on DVD will just not come out with a DVD (or Blu-ray) of some season. My hand will be forced and my completionist streak broken. Whatever. There are worse ways to spend $18, right? Okay, maybe I should stop seeking my readers' approval. I have a disease, and can no longer pretend I don't when I'm spending $18 on even the shittiest of TV seasons on DVD.

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