April 17, 2019

Miracle Workers: Season 1

This was objectively low stakes and stupid, a TBS show where Steve Buscemi plays God, in heaven, and several others like Daniel Radcliffe play the titular "miracle workers," essentially desk job employees in heaven who do the most tedious and mundane shit possible in order to answer the most tedious and mundane prayers. Like, the central joke of the whole premise is how ineffective and apathetic God is toward the people on earth - he wants to scrap earth entirely and build a shitty family restaurant! - and how much work and effort goes into making, say, a single leaf blow away.

I checked this out on a whim and it was just barely worth sticking around for - seven episodes, slow time of year (February?), so why not?

I can't imagine there'll be a second season of this thing, and I probably won't be back if there is. So, you know - don't bother watching!

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