June 16, 2016

Rise of the Tomb Raider

After a very rocky start -- encountering a bug 40% into the game that could only be resolved by restarting the game on a new save file -- I finally got around to beating this title. Despite leaving a poor taste in my mouth when it first came out last November, I was extremely pleased how this game turned out when I finished it a few weeks ago. Sure, the game is very similar to its immediate predecessor, but just because something is not entirely original doesn't mean it isn't fun. 

I had a blast exploring all of the game's beautiful environments and unfurling the story of Croft following her father's unfinished work as she races against Trinity in the search for the lost city of Kitezh. Despite similar gameplay to the first title in this rebooted series, there's something immensely pleasing about constantly picking shit up and getting consistent increases in my stats. Maybe my dopamine sensors in my brain are wired to feed out "pleasure" whenever I get slightest reward in my gaming experiences, but I found it hard to put the controller down at night and go to bed -- kind of like when I used to play the Sid Meier's Civilization games. (Thank god I don't touch those games anymore or I would, sadly, get even less done than I already do. And that's not much to speak of!) Overall, this was a fun game. Nothing amazing, but fun to say the least.

My only real gripe with this game -- aside from, you know, the whole bug that forced me to lose 15 hours of gameplay! -- was all the mindless climbing around. I know it's suppose to be a take on platforming, but it never really felt all that challenging. More like a chore I had to follow through on to get from point A to point B. Things like the graphing hook were nice touches to make these elements of the gameplay a little more lively and exciting, but I wish they could make these treks up mountainsides (that does take up a considerable amount of the gameplay) a little more challenge, and, therefore, making it worth my time to focus on. 

On a different note, looks like we'll be getting another (rebooted) Tomb Raider movie in the future. Good news: It's stars the talented Alicia Vikander (who some may remember from Ex Machina and winning an Oscar this year) and I believe she'll make a great Laura Croft. Bad news: It's got the writer from Snow White and the Huntsman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- not the good one, the Michael Bay bullshit one. To be fair, this will be a WB movie, and they're known for dumping money on reshoots and constantly finessing the story till they feel comfortable that it's fit for audiences (just wish they took the extra time with Batman vs. Superman). There's also some Norwegian director I've never heard of attached to the film. But if there's anything I can take in solace after gleaming at his films' posters is that he will likely know how to shoot action scenes in the wild and show people getting fucked up as they helplessly tumble down mountain faces. 

So there's hope yet for a Tomb Raider movie that can actually live up to the excitement I've experienced from the games!

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