December 16, 2015

Fire Emblem

Here's another GBA game bought for five bucks or so on my Wii U. It's Fire Emblem - not the original game in the franchise, but the first to be released in the U.S.

Y'all know by now that I'm a big fan of tactical RPGs, but honestly? This one didn't do a whole ton for me. Or at least nothing new. Its gameplay was virtually identical to Fire Emblem Awakening, which I played only a year ago, and which also had a vastly better story. Now, there's nothing wrong with a franchise keeping the same core gameplay elements from game to game, but there were three other Fire Emblem games that came out between this one and that one. That's a whole lot of same-old same-old, no?

Oh, and a shout out to the Wii U's save state feature, which easily saved me hours and hours of retrying battles. This game was no cakewalk!


  1. Despite all my attempts at starting these games (mainly Path of Radiance and Awakenings), I still can't get into the Fire Emblems franchise. The stories are boring and immensely convoluted -- even for video game standards. Plus I frown on a game that forces you to restart or revert to a prior save state whenever you lose a character (not even lose the fight). So yeah... thanks, but no thanks. These games are not for me.

    1. I don't disagree with anything you've said here. I think it'll be a long time before I pick up a third Fire Emblem game.
