April 1, 2015

Ultimate NES Remix

This one was a Secret Santa gift from Mr. and Mrs. MMW - thanks, guys!

Basically, it's an NES "greatest hits" compilation. Sixteen games are represented, and you're tasked with playing very quick pieces of each one. For instance, under Super Mario Bros. 3, your first task is probably just to collect some coins or to get a mushroom. Under Metroid, it may have been to kill three enemies. Yet, in each of these sixteen games, you also end up playing out the final boss battle as your last task. So where at first you were just absorbing powers as Kirby, a scant twenty minutes later you're duking it out with Meta Knight and King Dedede. The Metroid challenges end with you killing Mother Brain and escaping from the underground.

It wasn't a game I'd push on anyone, but it was a pretty cool way for me to experience a few NES games I hadn't yet played, like Balloon Fight, Excitebike, Donkey Kong Jr., and Punch-Out!!. I dumped close to nine hours into it, and easily could have spent more time trying to unlock every last challenge if I wasn't so burdened by my backlog.

At any rate, an enjoyable game.

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