April 22, 2014

Jack Reacher

This movie is bizarre. It’s based on a children’s novel from what I can tell, which might explain why it seems so heavy-handed and emotionless. I struggled to take what I was watching seriously when ridiculous things happened over and over again while none of the characters seemed to question any of them. Tom Cruise stars as Jack Reacher, a guy who is incorruptible. He’s a Patriot with his own set of codes. He jumps to conclusions that are always correct. Has anyone else seen this? Can they help me explain it better? It just has such a strange feeling to it. It just feels like a parody of an action movie at times. Jack Reacher is essentially John Cena.


  1. I saw like 20 or 30 minutes of Jack Reacher and I agree with your assessment that he's basically John Cena, or at least the personality WWE gave him a few years ago when he would win everything and was always the best.

  2. He has Cena's over-the-top personality as well. It's almost like a live-action cartoon. He might as well be a GI Joe.
