September 20, 2017

BoJack Horseman: Season 4

It's uncommon for shows to be as good as BoJack Horseman is in the first place, but the true rarity is the consistency of the series so far. Aside form a shaky first season - and even that first season got better as it took shape - this show's just been amazing. Three straight seasons of tonal perfection - who else has pulled that off? I'm not saying this is unprecedented, but it's a very short list.

Moreso - there's nothing else quite like BoJack, and never has been as far as I know. It doesn't just nail the tone year after year - it picks a hell of a tone to go for in the first place. It's dark and depraved, but also light and whimsical. Visual gags and razor sharp wordplay fly back and forth at a mile a minute, but there are still some absolute gut punches sprinkled in to punctuate every other episode or so. No show this raw and powerful should be this hilarious, and no show this zany and slapdash has any business being this profound and meaningful! It feels truly one-of-a-kind in hat regard, and the only thing stopping me from calling it "my favorite show" sometimes is that I'm already taking it for granted. Sustaining a plateau of greatness feels less impressive, in the moment, than continuously peaking. But if you're continuously peaking, you were by definition imperfect until the end, right?

One year, BoJack will start to slip or it will just end. And that's going to suck! But for now, let's all just enjoy it.

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