April 3, 2017

Hatoful Boyfriend

Two years ago I was tasked with beating this thing (along with Sween and Stevie - come on guys!) for losing in a gametimebro event. Well, good work, guys - truly, this was the dumbest game I've ever played. It takes place at a school for pigeons and other birds, and it consists of navigating just a handful of menus while sitting though a bunch of insane dialogue. To whatever extent there was a story here, I mean, I can't even say. This cost me five to ten dollars if I recall correctly. Oof. Why? But at least it only cost me about half an hour of my time. There's no reason for something like this to exist. Best part is that the game allows you, right at the beginning, to make it so the pigeon characters all look like people. Imagine purchasing this game and thinking "but I mean they have to look like people or else it's really weird."

Fuck it, here are a bunch of screenshots I took. Seeing is believing, right?

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