March 25, 2017

The Place Beyond the Pines

Bah. I'm tired. Here's the gist.

Act One - Ryan Gosling as a motorcycle stuntman robbing some banks because he's down on his luck. It's like Drive meets Hell or High Water. It's very good!

Act Two - Bradley Cooper as a rookie cop in a corrupt-as-hell district just trying to do the right thing. Also he's full of regret over something he did in Act One. This one's a slow-burn, but it's still pretty good.

Act Three - Shitty teenager takes center stage, and [long, drawn out fart noise]. It's not good.

And really, the structure is just about that distinct. I'm not saying the characters don't appear in each other's "arcs," but the way they all connect, they could have a lot more.

This was fine. It's a high 6, low 7. It's worth a watch if you can find it on TV or something, and I think HBO only has the rights for a few more days.

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