August 17, 2016

Never Alone

I bought this at a steep discount right after I got my PS4. Gotta build up that library, right?

It wasn't great. Never Alone is a "puzzle-platformer" without any real puzzles and where the platforming elements were a bit slow and frustrating. You play as an Iñupiaq girl who gets lost in a blizzard and has to traverse some amount of Northern Alaska in order to stop the snow and save the village. Her companion is a little white fox. The game takes maybe three or four hours, is never challenging (just annoying), and is a real quick way to snag some trophies and achievements if you're into that sort of thing.

I will say, it looked beautiful. And sounded beautiful, and felt authentic to the Iñupiaq people, several of whom were the ones who created the game in the first place. Never Alone also had an interesting "hidden collectible" system in that you could find several owls in each level that gave you a two or three minute peek at different aspects of Iñupiaq culture. That's right, this was an educational game! I approve.

This one's entirely skippable - there are just too many great games out there to seek out this one in particular - but if you ever have that itch, hey, there are worse ways to kill a few hours.

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