April 21, 2016

The Man Without a Shadow

So I've mentioned several times that I've wanted to branch out of my comfort zone with the books I read, and one easy way to do that is by switching up the demographics of the authors I'm reading. I've posted books by almost nothing but white men, actually I can only specifically recall one other book I've posted by a woman. So maybe that will change? Here's the latest from Joyce Carol Oates- a famous author I've never actually read before, but I do know that her twitter account is pretty terrible. The Man Without a Shadow, however, was pretty good! It's basically a love story concerning a neurologist and her patient, a man twenty years her senior who is experiencing anterograde amnesia, also known as short term memory loss. This concept has been mined pretty thoroughly in a mere two pop-culture examples- Leonard from Memento exists in a thriller where he can't be sure if he's avenged his wife's murderer, and Finding Nemo's Dory wrings out just about every possible joke from the concept for a comedy. The Man Without a Shadow takes a more realistic look at the condition, however, focusing on the daily lives of a confused man who never seems to understand why he's being tested in a laboratory, and the brilliant neurologist ignoring all codes of ethics to try to make a secret relationship work with a man who will forget she exists in less than a minute. Oh 50 First Dates! That's another one, and probably the closest example to this. Except having never seen it, I'm sure that movie was shit, but this was worth a read. The struggle with scientific ethics, the never-ending confusion, the family that just stops caring, it's all pretty heartbreaking  I'll add more Joyce Carol Oates to the booklog.

1 comment:

  1. If you're looking for more lady authors... I can only barely help you. In the past couple years I've enjoyed both Margaret Atwood and Gillian Flynn. Haven't you never read the Harry Potter books? There's seven right there. Also there's the Giver if you don't mind some Young Adult dystopian shit (but hey you read the Hunger Games books - three right there!) I also dug an Agatha Christie murder mystery something like, holy shit, five years ago? And right around the same time there was also A Raisin In the Sun, which is technically a play, but whatever, right?

    Screw it. Let's just jump right into some Ayn Rand this summer.
