December 30, 2013

Grey's Anatomy Season 3

So in the second half of 2013 I was spending 3-6 days in Maryland every month for work. What's a gal to do after work when she's bored? Naturally the answer is watch TV but so much of the TV I watch Steve wants to watch with me. So what would Steve not want to watch that would be a significant time commitment for all future travel and general lazy time? Grey's Anatomy! It passed both criteria: huge time commitment and Steve would never want to watch it.

I arbitrarily started at Season 3 because I know I had watched most of Seasons 1 and 2 and I couldn't remember most of the Season 3 plot lines, so it seemed like a fair place to start. Season 3 is when Grey's Anatomy took the Thursday at 9pm time slot and never let it go. Last season Izzy got engaged to a guy with a bad heart who she tries to get a good heart by cheating the system, then he dies. In this season she is pretty sad and messed up. Meredith and Derek spend a lot of time on and off again. Cristina and Burke are about to get married but don't. George fails his intern exam. McSteamy enters the picture. Addison is generally awesome. That's about it. Oh and Meredith drowns and dies and then lives.

I thought this was a pretty good season. There was a lot of fun personl drama and a ferry accident. I hear the accidents only get more dramatic and unrealistic as the seasons progress. Looking forward to it!

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