June 27, 2013

Sons of Anarchy Season Four

I had heard (mostly from Stan) that Sons of Anarchy's fourth season was its best yet, full of action and drama, yet it wasted all of that potential with an all-time dud of a finale. For the most part, the season lived up to exactly that description. My main criticism of the first three seasons is that for a group that takes part in so many dangerous activities, the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club of Charming California rarely seemed to have to deal with consequences. Even after committing some major, MAJOR crimes in the third season finale, the crew went to prison in between seasons for what seems like maybe 2 years tops. And we didn't even have to see them deal with prison time, like at all! You can argue that that's what happens when they've been working with the town sherriff, but sometimes it can be a bit hard to suspend disbelief that these guys all remain free and alive for so long. Anyway in the fourth season, now that that sherriff has left the force, there finally seem to be some real consequences. The Club deals with some serious tension as marriages fall apart and elder members die. Finally, things are progressing! In the lead-up to the finale, it becomes apparent that two of the main characters of the show, two of the people closest to main character Jax, are going to have to leave the club, or die. But just as things come to a head, the character who absolutely had to leave decides to stay, and the character who absolutely had to die ends up living with a weak "it's the only way to keep the club together" excuse. Lame! Well, I've got season five on my DVR (Still! From last year!) so later in the summer, probably just before season six starts up, I'll give that one a watch. 


  1. I'll be busy tonight and through the weekend, so even if I finish anything that should be it for my posts in June. Goals for July will be a little heavier- with FF13 and A Game of Thrones both very close to being done, I'll try out some shorter stuff. I'm hoping for:

    Final Fantasy XIII
    Perfect Dark
    Thomas Was Alone
    Devil May Cry 2

    Arrested Development Season 4
    Boardwalk Empire Season 2

    A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
    Christine by Stephen King

  2. June was a light month for me logging-wise and I can't imagine July being any heavier, what with a ten day vacation (a driving around sight-seeing vacation, not a sit on a beach and read vacation) and moving out of one apartment and into another. Still, why not set some goals, unrealistic though they may be?

    Dexter: Season 7 - The only item on the list I can virtually guarantee
    Professor Layton and the Unwound Future - Must be about halfway done here
    Kid Icarus: Uprising - Tough to play for more than two or three levels at once; about sixteen levels left
    Under the Dome - For the third straight month, I'll say I'm finishing this book

    Marissa is taking a little business trip for the better part of a week later in the month, so other than working late or packing boxes, I may have nothing better to do than sit down to beat an honest-to-God console-based game or two for the first time in what must be ages. Specifically looking at the Wii here.
