I'm done with school. Probably for good. With a full-time job starting in July, I've got less than two months left before I'm working until I hit some ripe old age and retire. That's a depressing thought. The world is my oyster for these next few weeks, however, and because of this I need to log as many fucking video games as I possibly can. Will I look back on the way I spent my time with eventual disdain? You betcha. But I set a goal, goddammit - a goal to beat all my video games before dying in my bed many years from now. And with a full-time job looming in the not-so-distant future, I really need to start hacking away at my seventy-something games. That is why I have decided to beat the entire Mega Man Anniversary Collection as soon as possible. There are eight full games in the compilation and two arcade ports, making ten total items to log. That's a lot. Add in my Mega Man X compilation and suddenly one franchise is responsible for like a fifth of all unbeaten games I own. As you can surmise, the exorcism of these demons from my backlog is the heart and soul of my quest. So yeah. This makes for the second game I beat tonight. I'm looking to beat two more tomorrow. No joke. All said and done, this disc needs to be finished - finished! - by next Wednesday. And then on top of that another dozen games or so need beating before the month of May is done. It's going to be a long day. I suppose I should quit blathering, though, and say something about Mega Man 3. So here it is. Mega Man 3 was pretty boring. There was nothing about Mega Man 3 that made me say, "This is better than Mega Man 2." (And really, there was nothing about 2 that blew me away more than the original, contrary to the public opinion.) Sadly, I've got five more Mega Man games to beat and the next three are all NES originals. I predict absolutely nothing revolutionary or cool about any of them. Then, for Mega Man 7, the series switches over to the SNES and wraps up on PlayStation with Mega Man 8. Even if the gameplay remains virtually unchanged, at least the graphical upgrades will give me something to look forward to. But these next three games are destined to suck. I just know it. I know that I will hate playing them and I know I'll be ten times as frustrated as entertained. Alas, such is the gauntlet one must traverse through when attempting to rid one's backlog of seventy-something games. So, without further bemoaning, onward I press!
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