January 23, 2010

30 Rock Season 2

Spite, a word that encompasses everything I stand for in life, is what has driven me to hurry my most recent addition to the Backloggery. I stand before you gentlemen writing about my most recent entertainment accomplishment, 30 Rock Season 2. Granted, I have all the time in the world and I could have allowed myself to savor each and every last episode but alas this was not my fate. Instead I chose the road of stupid, uneducated, self righteous spite. I speak of course of adding yet another post to the Backloggery when Keith has yet to contribute anything. I begged, on my hands and knees (well not actually but we all could have imagined me doing that) to get a chance to contribute to this most esteemed of forums and because of that I intend on posting as often as possible and from here on out as entertainingly as possible.

Keith "can eat my poo". I chose this statement for two reasons. Firstly because its true fuck you Keith. Secondly, I chose this statement for its relation to second season of 30 Rock. This line is a recurring gag in this season and to be honest it is one of the "funnier" gags that the show presented over its 15 episodes. Unlike season 1, I did not submit to actual fits of laughter. Surely I managed a few entertained smirks but that was the extent of my entertainment. The characters became stale and the plot twists predictable. In the end I only finished the season to spite Keith and also because I really had nothing better to do.

I will continue to watch season 3 hoping that season 2 was just like heroes predictable mid season bore fest during which they put forth episodes to fill time rather than to gather ratings. Hopefully my next post will be more upbeat and less spiteful (looking at you Keith).

I would also like to take a moment to nominate Marissa for Backlogger 2010 (or as the cool kids say oh ten). At least she would post and perhaps her feminine brain could open out eyes to new avenues of entertainment.


  1. A few things warrant mentioning. Firstly, Marissa was invited to join already. The fact that she hasn't done so yet speaks only of her nonchalance toward our cause. Secondly, I don't know what Keith's deal is. I can't deny that he's taking his sweet ass time, but he swears he's still on board. Thirdly, don't worry, the third season was better than either of the first two. Although I thought the second season was better than the first, so what do I know? Lastly, did you really just hope that something was like Heroes? Heroes is terrible.

    Oh and post-lastly, would you please center your own images so I didn't have to edit each and every one of your posts to fix them?

  2. Excuse me. We were watching 2 movies last night which is why I didn't post. Also, I had to finish my book first (very necessary in this back-blogging world). I just did, and I know plan on posting.
