Ha! Y'all remember that dumb-as-hell anime I posted about? With the schoolgirls beating the absolute shit out of a bunch of dudes, but that I swear ended up being a compelling enough story on its own right? There's a thirteenth episode of the anime that isn't available on Hulu, and in my attempts to search the internet for it...
Well, two things. One is that, holy shit, as I probably should have expected - and maybe even did suspect, but still just wasn't prepared for - holy shit, there is so much Rule 34 Prison School porn on the Internet. I mean, maybe it's not even Rule 34 porn, maybe when you make a show that porn-adjacent, that fetish-filled, that male-gazey, maybe it's just straight up porn. Or like, fan porn. Or something. Fuck, I dunno, guys.
The other thing is that, hey - turns out there's this live-action adaptation, which came out the same year as the anime, and both of them are based on a manga series (or is it just a manga?), which just gives me all kinds of questions about Japanese content licensing and production schedules and whatnot. At any rate, this was free to watch, in full, on the Internet, except that it was nine episodes instead of twelve. Fine! Let's check it out, let's compare and contrast.
I'd be lying if I said I watched this whole thing; mostly I just jumped around and tried to compare the live action drama to the anime - was one of them better, was one of them sillier, funnier, was one of them more blatantly pornographic - you know, once you're this far down an obscure anime rabbithole, might as well keep going.
In short, the anime was better. I'm not saying it was better because it was more overtly pornographic, and therefore funnier, but I mean... take this scene, for example:
How do you do this thing - this absurd tombstone piledriver into a facesitting beat-em-up - in a live action show? You can't! There's just no way to do that, with real actors, even stunt actors, to plant an ass that firmly on a face from three feet up without crushing a human skull or bruising a pelvic bone. Never mind the crows flying in at the end!
One thing that translated remarkably well though? This running joke (based on someone's fetish, surely) about how when this one girl gets really nervous or tense she starts sweating profusely from her massive breasts:
I mean, the anime is more all up in your face with it, as animation tends to allow for, but the live action shot isn't exactly pulling any punches! It's just like, bam, big sweaty boobs, full frame. Shameless. Laugh, dammit!
Alright, enough posting superfluous pictures and gifs of - holy shit, how am I only just now realizing the depths of the depravity of this - fictional high school boobs. (It's cool, the live action actor is like 26 there, I just checked.) From what I saw, the live action series stuck incredibly closely to the anime series, without so much as a plot point told out of order, and with some scenes apparently recreated shot for shot. I suppose this makes sense in that both series were based off of an established manga, but damn, props to the Japanese for just fucking sticking to the source material without every adaptation trying to put its own unique twist on things.
Lastly, the live action show was cast and costumed so immaculately, to the point where the characters in it almost look more cartoonish than those in the anime or the oriinal manga, if that makes sense:
Combine that added vibrance with the fact that real people are more recognizably human than, you know, drawings, and I definitely found myself empathizing with and relating to all of the characters more in the live action show than in the anime. But the anime's still better; the live action show's pacing is just all over the place and it leaves out or otherwise rushes through a couple of key plot points that the anime gives more time to breathe.
Good God, this many words about a throwaway softcore hentai adaptation? Folks - this is why you should never watch anime.