April 30, 2011
Seven Pounds
Cat and Mouse

I'm a big fan of murder mysteries, and I think James Patterson does them right. When we last left Alex Cross, he had just received a call from super villian Gary Soneji who Cross has imprisoned once before he escaped. This book leads off with Soneji's new kill. Cross spends 1/3 of the book going after Soneji and to his delight, he finds him! Then Soneji kills himself, but not before one last threat to Cross. He will come after Cross, dead or alive. The night after Cross' part for finally defeating Soneji, he and his entire family are brutally beaten by an unknown assailant. In comes, Thomas Pierce, FBI agent on the Mr. Smith case. This is where the book kind of diverges. Pierce is working the Cross case trying to find out who hurt him but also still working the elusive Mr. Smith case. In a classic murder mystery plot point, we find out that Pierce the FBI agent is actually Mr. Smith the serial killer. His first kill was his girlfriend. Cross knew this the entire time and was pretending to be hurt more than he actually was to lure Pierce into his territory. Cross catches Mr. Smith (surprise) but Mr. Smith dies (surprise). Not many of Cross' villains actually live. On a positive note, Cross proposes to his lady love from the last book. I feel like that may end badly if he stays in such a dangerous job. I will surely see.
Harry Potter 4: The Goblet of Fire
Great news! I still <3 Harry Potter. I have seen Harry Potter 4 a bazillion times but never on dvd or bluray. So huzah. This movie is super toll. I'm trying to think of anything to say about it and I can't. It's good. That's all I have for you. I can't even think of anything to criticize. Besides maybe Cho. Harry Potter is too good for hr. Oh also, Robert Pattinson is in this movie and he's not a vampire so that's fun right? He dies though. Sad times for Cedric Diggory. If Harry wasn't so selfless and just took the cup for himself he could have saved an innocent man's life. Oh Harry. Stay tuned for HP5 at some point!
April 29, 2011
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
April 24, 2011

April 23, 2011
Treasure Island
April 21, 2011
House: Season 6
April 19, 2011
Harry Potter 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban

If you know anything about me, you should know this. I post in bulk. I’m awful at posting when I finish the book, movie, tv show, or video game (jeez who plays those? Not me judging by this blog).
If you are at all intuitive, and you know what, I have faith that you are, you will realize that I would have posted HP3 The Prisoner of Azkaban sometime soon. The great news for you is that time is now.
This was one of my favorite books, and I think the movie did it justice. Harry Potter starts to come into his own as an actor here and he seems to age a lot between HP2 and HP3. Hermione and Ron still have a little growing up to do. I do think Emma Watson is the best actor out of the three though. This movie also has one of my personal favorite characters Lupin who I think is pretty great in the movie as well. It also introduces the scary dementors which are portrayed well in the movie. AKA they are freaking scary. That’s all!
Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of Secrets

So, I heart Harry Potter. I’ve read the books too many times, and I watch the movies anytime they are on HBO or ABC Family is having a marathon. BUT, I have never owned the movie. Thus, I have never officially had it in my backlog. So you would think, judging by this post, that I now have it. But I only sort of have it because it’s Steve’s, but I really wanted to do the posting on this one. So I’m gonna. Deal with it.
Before HP1, I was like “ugh, can’t I just get the first three movies over with so I can watch the best mover ever HP4” I was wrong though. The first movies are still good! HP2 provides you with your last glimpses of Dumbledore 1. I don’t think there is too big of a difference. Some disagree, but oh well. You also begin finding out a little about Voldermort’s past aka Tom Marvolo Riddle. Harry also pulls a sword out of an old hat. Good times follow.
Enjoyable, but the actors are still young and coming into their roles. That’s all I have for you.
Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill
Book 3 of the Alex Cross series, commence! Also, I believe this is a good opportunity to add that James Patterson also writes the currently underground, in the future, hugely popular, Maximum Ride series where we see bird people become the next new vampire craze.
Anywho, this book chronicles Alex Cross’ search for not one but three killers! One killer is brutally murdering children in his very neighborhood at his childrens’ school. This is the case he would love to stay on, but the higher ups put his brilliant mind on the Jack and Jill case who are committing perfect high profile crimes again celebrities and politicians in DC, with the end goal being Mr and Mrs White House.
Wanna know the ending? The continue! It turns out that the children killer is actually a child himself with a severe mental problem. In a final stand off, he kills Cross’ “lady love’s” husband. I’m sure this will set up a budding relationship with her in the next book. If you remember, his last lady love turned out to be the bad guy (bad luck). The Jack and Jill case still puzzles them. The president is attacked and killed, and the “killer” commits suicide. But wait, a clever ruse! This is not the actual killer but someone who the killer told to do the killing. Plot twist yo. Anyways, turns out the killer is an FBI agent and her husband who have been working on the case. Oops. They go to prison and both die mysteriously the next die leaving the case unresolved.
Oh! Important footnote. Cross receives a call from Gary Soneji at the end of the book, the super villain from the first book who escaped from prison and has it out for Cross. Will we see him in the next book? I think yes. (I know yes. I am currently reading it. I’m a cheater.)
Over and out
April 18, 2011

April 13, 2011
The Dark Frigate
April 12, 2011
Angela's Ashes
April 10, 2011
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

April 8, 2011
Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man
There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.
April 6, 2011
Operation Armored Liberty

Closing Time
April 3, 2011

Original Story written and illustrated by Yasuhrio Nightow. Animation by the Madhouse studio.
Vash the Stampede is the The Humanoid Typhoon and has a bounty of $$60,000,000,000 on his head. Not because he's a vicious murderer or some kind of criminal, but because his actions are costing the Bernardelli Insurance Society a to pay for every claim that he caused. Which is usually the destruction of whole cities.
And that's where we start off. We follow Meryl and Milly, two insurance claim investigator, trying to find out who this Vash character is, and to follow him around, and keep him from causing so much destruction. Vash isn't really causing any damage, but people trying to kill him are. Everyone wants that Sixty Billion Double Dollars, and are trying anything to finish him off. Vash is conflicted though. He is an amazing shot and seems to dodge bullet's at will, but he has a strong dislike of death. So he's the classic character that, while he's could be and probably once was a killer, respects life too much to ever take it. So the hijinks ensue.
For the first half of the 26 episode series, it follows the plot formula like this: Meryl and Milly are looking for Vash the Stampede, and while they are looking for him, this blonde man in a red coat will bump into them and inadvertently cause some trouble. The girls won't believe that this clumsy oaf is Vash, but everyone else will, so suddenly he's running around, while people shoot, bomb and try to score the extreme fortune on his head. The second half of the series focuses on the past of Vash, this mysterious peaceful man who seems to attract trouble where ever he goes.
The whole story takes place on a desert planet that humans have colonized 200 years previously, so anime is also put into the Space Western, something Stan saw back in Firefly. The Space Western really is just a Western that has small bits of ancient technology or uses advanced weaponry that mimics old timey western revolvers. Trigun has much more Science Fiction aspect from it, especially when it starts describing the colonization and Vash's past, even so devoting whole episodes as flashbacks.
Trigun is an anime's anime. It is filled with clichés that make anime great and annoying. Most American anime fans love Trigun, because it was exposed to Americans before anime really moved over to the Western shores. Animated in 1998, it has rich painted backgrounds, and a strong contrast between scenery and cell. I remember my only real brush of Trigun was as a freshman in highschool. I had to stay up late because I had to call in my potato baby at 3am, so I just stayed up experiencing the Adult Swim programming block. Apparently I watch the final episode of Trigun six years ago. Not really understanding the plot, I enjoyed it for gritty and pretty style of drawing and action. This isn't an anime for everyone, but it is for the fan of animes.
April 1, 2011
March 2011 Recap
- Closing Time - I'm roughly 250/460 pages in, and this is the top reading priority for the month.
- Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man - Because why not finish off the Heller collection once and for all?
- Angela's Ashes - I'm Ireland-bound in May, so it'd be cool to get this partially-Ireland-set book read before then.
- The Sopranos: Season 2 - The "roommate" and I just watched the first episode of this 13-episode season. If I can't finish it this month, it's her fault entirely.
- The Corner - This six-episode HBO miniseries may be just the jumping off point that I need in order to get back into The Wire.
- Pain - I'm not sure what constitutes "beating" this PS3 download. Perhaps I've already done so.
- Infamous - Speaking of PS3 and spring cleaning, it's time to actually play through this game.
- Counter-Strike - For literally no reason aside from its brevity and my desire to get back into gaming. Besides, it's not like this shooter is getting any less dated.